
LA COMMEDIA UMANA by Ai Weiwei, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice   

From August 28th to November 27th, 2022
It is the largest hanging work of art ever created in Murano glass, majestic and unsettling. It dominates the central nave of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore.
La Commedia Umana (The Human Comedy) 人间喜剧 (Memento Mori) by the surprising Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was inaugurated on August 28th.
It consists of about 2000 pieces of black glass, entirely handmade by the masters of the Berengo Studio in Murano. It weighs 2,700 kg, it is 8.4 meters tall and 6.4 meters wide.
Sculls, fleshless bones, bats, crabs, human organs such as brains, hearts, guts, parts of skeletons: all together they create a complicated hypnotic tangle which arise different emotions.
It attempts to speak of death in order to celebrate life”: with these words the artist underlines the relationship between human beings and nature and the human impact on the uncertain future of the entire humankind.
Other works of art by this incredible master are present at the exhibit, as, for example, his creations with Lego bricks, as well as some more made out of glass, iron, wood, porcelain.
The exhibit will be open up to November 27th, 2022.


The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac, Lego bricks 


Untitled (After Munch), Lego bricks